Sunday, March 1, 2009

Drinking and More!

Jessica's brother Cody came into town today and since some of us had had a bad night we decided to drink a little. We were talking about tattoos cause Cody has a couple and Joli started talking about how her daddy has one and she wants one. So we gave her a couple "tattoos" with a pen. See her hands?
Here is Cody and his future wife, Desiree. They are not fans of pictures but they'd had a few drinks so I snuck in a couple.
Here I am after quite a few drinks. I was having "tea" after Joli went to sleep (yep captain and coke).
Then I tried to sit on the couch and smacked my ankle REALLY hard on the coffee table and now it's sooooooo bruised.
Here I am putting "Pooh Ice" on my ankle.
Then I decided that I was bummed that I hadn't been to yoga this week, so I did some.
On a good note, I threw up all the alcohol that was in my system so this morning I felt fine!!! It was a good night!