Saturday, October 11, 2008

Happy Naughty Birthday to Me!!!

Kacie and the girls were so wonderful and surprised me with a birthday dinner! I was totally shocked! I thought it was going to be just one of our girl's nights and when I walked in there were balloons, candles, presents and wine! There was also this awesome cake, ordinary at first but a few candles made it over the top!
Here is the birthday girl glass that I got to use. It was a loner, but still made me feel special.

This is one of my most entertaining presents! I also got a few cards and a gift card for Victoria's Secret! Whooooohoooo!!
Here is from the left, Karen, Nicki, and Robin. We were all being entertained talking about the Twilight Series that most of us have read.
Here I am after I think three glasses of wine. I was a little loopy.
Kacie decided it would be easier to take the picture for me. She was right.
Here are my "booby" balloons. They are a little lopsided, but entertaining none the less.
And of course here I am at the end of the night being escorted home! The girls even thought ahead so that I could drink by deciding the Kacie would drive me home and they would follow and bring her back home. Aren't they great!

1 comment:

Miss Elena said...

i never EVER needed to see that picture.

however the one's of you drunk are pretty entertaining
i like the last one