Well that time has come a lot sooner than we expected and as Joli is not even two-years-old yet, we completely understand that she is just to young to be taught the concept of appropriate language. So we have chosen to say nothing in hopes that if she does not get a response from us, she will not continue to use the language. This response seems to backfiring. When Joli uses these words she does not use them and look at us for a reaction or even notice whether or not we have heard her or not.
Example #1:
A few weeks ago Joli and I got up early to take Joe to work. Since I was driving and we are not usually driving during a time when there is traffic I was frustrated. A few minutes after moving down the freeway at a snail's pace a motorcycle comes whizzing through the cars and continues on its merry way. So I said "Here we are barely moving, and there goes a fucking bike." Joli pipes up in the bike seat and says "Fucking bike!", but not in a way that said "look what I just said", she said it in a way that said "Oh I'm so excited, look mommy! A fucking bike!" My husband in seating in the passenger seat trying not to let Joli see that he is about to wet his pants, all the while trying to figure out who on earth he can call at 7:30 in the morning to tell the story to.
We didn't hear too much more curse words for a while after that. That's not to say that there weren't a few words that Joli simply mispronounced that made us stop for a moment. In fact she has a list of words that we usually have to do a double take on. One small example of that is the word "soap". This is the first time I have ever heard a child take such a simple, innocent, and clean word and turn it into "fock".
So we went several weeks without any other kind of incidents until a few days after Joe left. Then I walked out onto the porch to hear Joli repeating "shit, shit". Apparently the small clothes dryer had fallen over and she was in the process of figuring out how to pick it up. Yep, that's my daughter.
Another day or so went by and Joli and I went out shopping with my friend Kacie. While we were out I decided that since we hadn't really had much breakfast we should supplement with a Jamba Juice. Joli took the initial first sips and some of dripped out onto her blanky. Kacie said "Oh no her blanky", and Joli simply looked down, pointed at the drops and said "Oh dammit." Completely matter of fact as though she uses the word on a regular basis and it is not in any way unusual that she said it!
So now I am at point where I have to figure out if I should respond and risk having her turn it into this fun thing that gets a reaction out of mommy, or should I just let it go and hope that she grows out of it. Watch out playdates, here we come!