Sunday, February 15, 2009

Anti-Valentine's Party!

The girls and I thought it would be a great idea to spend a night out on the town rather than stay home and be sad that our hunnies are gone. So we all met at Robyn's to drink and little wine and prepare to boogy!
I had about four glasses of wine before we left, which meant I didn't have to buy any drinks at the club, but I did have to spend the cab ride there being coached on how to "look sober" when I show my i.d. to the bouncer. Yep, cheap date.
Yeah, these are the most flattering of the pictures from before we left. Apparently I was slightly obsessed with laying on the floor and trying to put my knees behind my head.
Here's Robyn and Nikki at the club. On the way there Nikki took care of me and on the way home I was taking care of her!
It was a good night out! We all ready for our men to be home though.

1 comment:

Laume said...

The tongue photo - you look like your daughter. Not sure what that says about you... or her... just saying.